Memoirs are one of my most popular requests that I get. People reach out to me with amazing experiences and life stories that they want to write down and share with the world. Whether using a ghostwriter or writing it on your own, here are some quick tips for how to write your memoir. 


1. Keep a diary:


I can't count how many times I had a great idea only to forget it when I sit down at my computer to type. Writing down the events of the day prevents memory lapse later while also being a good way to write down old memories that resurface unexpectedly.

2. Narrow your focus:

Don't fall into the trap of feeling like you have to write every event from your entire life. Think about the message you want people to gain from reading about your life. Do you simply want to share your hardships? Do you want people to learn from your choices? Have you come to some epiphany that you want others to experience? Regardless of your goals, use it to keep you focused while looking at the events of your life. What events are vital to getting that message across and which events would distract? Sometimes it is helpful to create a timeline, so you can visualize the various key events. 

4. Pull your reader in with the details:

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When I was a teacher, I used to tell my students to show not tell. It was a simple reminder that using sensory detail has significantly more impacts than simply telling the audience your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. When it is your own life, it is all too easy to forget the reader's perspective. Your reader doesn't know you. The details help the experiences become real. 

5. Write and write and write, but also read:

Writing is a skill that takes time and practice. The more you write, the more you will get a feel for your own style and voice. Good writers always read too. You would not expect to pick up a sport without first studying technique. While it may not explicitly teach things like grammar, punctuation, and syntax, you will instinctively get a sense of storytelling, flow and word choice as you read.

6. Get help:


So often authors who want to write their story, find that they are just too close to it to write it objectively. They will get bogged down in the emotional elements and struggle to see the big picture of their book. Don't be too hard on yourself, and don't let the setbacks keep you from realizing your dream of becoming an author. There is nothing wrong with getting help from either a ghostwriter or even an objective reader. 

If you are ready to get started with a ghostwriter, visit my CONTACT page and reach out to me today.

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